Thursday 23 September 2010

In the beginning

“Students starting degrees this year could see their debt levels pushed to around £23,500”

Do you think it’s worth it? I have no idea.

So here I am, 19, and about to set off on the next stage of life, University. Now most people at this point would gush about how excited they are and how amazing the university experience will be, (insert generic teenage hype here.) However I personally do not fall into this category. I am petrified beyond belief at the prospect of packing up my worldly goods then getting dumped with a bunch of strangers, and for this privilege I will push myself way into the red, probably never to return.

After months of feeling rather lost and worrying about what is the inevitable, I decided I needed to make this experience into something constructive, so at least if I have a shit time I will have something to show for it at the end. Yes I know the degree essentially fits that description! But I’m talking about the emotional investment, making new friends etc. At least if I have documented the experience for myself, I can learn from it. Maybe you’ll even enjoy reading about it too!
This blog (hopefully) will allow me to share my experiences and allow others an insight into what it really is like to be a student these days! At this point I can’t honestly tell you what I will write about in specific detail as I am not even there yet! But what I can promise you is that there will be truthful accounts of what I encounter over a wide range of subjects!

Please feel free to comment and even offer advice! Even if you disagree with my opinions/choices.

More shall follow soon.

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